> Sorry!! Don't follow you! When u say I don't need to install
> Squeezecenter on the remote pc, are u saying I should not install it? Or
> that it does not matter?
What do you mena by a "remote pc" - a PC on the same local LAN/subnet
or a PC accessing your Squeezecenter over the internet ?

Softsqueeze is just a player just like an SB3.  You can have many PCs
each running a copy of Softsqueeze but all connected to a single

> Don't understand why it would not need to be registered!! I want to run
> Softsqueeze on more than one remote pc. So how would Squeezecentre on my
> main pc differentiate? Indeed, when you run Softsqueeze in provides a
> unique number to enable registration.
You only need to register a player on Squeeznetwork when you want that
player to be able to user Squeezenetwork when you Squeezecenter is not

If Softsqueeze is just accessing your SqueezeCDenter then there is no
need to use Squeezenetwork and so no need to register the player. 

> When I try and select the main PC as source, Softsqueeze says "Please
> wait, connecting to slim server" and hangs.
typically Firewall, security, router or network config (e.g.  different
subnets) problem.  If Squeezecenter is trying to access over internet
then Softsqueeze needs to be confgured properly and also router in front
of Squeezcenter.

> What exactly do you mean by "point your browser on the PC you want to
> run Softsqueeze at the PC running Squeezecenter and then select
> SoftSqueeze"?

If PC with IP address is running Squeezceneter and PC
with IP address is running Softsqueeze. Then start browser
on PC with IP address and in browser use the following
address and when SC WebUI appears click on
Softsqueeze under Extras.

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View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=64796

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