autopilot;447815 Wrote: 
> Thanks, must be something to do with our different chipset, but at least
> i know it possible. Deselecting "Only allow management stations" does
> not work and the server gets constantly woken, by just having the SB3
> query the time etc.
I don't think a SB3 actually queries the server for time, although I
assume that it shold be sending something along the lines of status
request packets.  I don't know enough about the protocol to really say. 
The SB3, while it looks like a clock, isn't a clock.  I think everything
having to do with time display on the SB3 happens on the server in
SqueezeCenter.  The SB3 is just a dumb display, as far as I know.  The
Boom, on the other hand, has a RTC and functions like a real clock.  I
assume that all future Squeezebox player products will have this

But, yes, my experience in configuring NICs to trigger a wakeup on more
permissive conditions has always resulted in too many spurious wakeups. 
So I limit my NIC config to magic-packet only.

For windows folks, there is a nice, free command-line magic-packet tool
called wolcmd.exe which you can use in batch files to wake up your

Here's the batch file I use to launch a SqueezeCenter Chrome app.  It
first checks to see if the server responds to a ping and, if it doesn't
will attempt to WOL it:


  @echo off
  set SCIP=
  set BDCSTIP=
  echo Checking scserver status..
  ping %SCIP% -n 1 -w 10 >NUL 2>&1
  if errorlevel 1 goto wakeup
  goto awake
  echo SCServer is asleep...attempting to wake it up..
  %windir%\util\wolcmd.exe %SCMAC% %BDCSTIP% 7 >NUL 2>&1
  %windir%\util\sleep.exe 17
  goto checkwake
  echo SCServer is awake!
  start "SC" %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe  
  %windir%\util\sleep.exe 3

To use this, fix up the values for the SCIP, BDCSTIP and SCMAC
variables with your particulars.  I keep a shortcut to this batch file
on my windows quick-launch tool bar.  That way, I never have to
compensate for the server being asleep.  Any attempt to visit the
SqueezeCenter web interface via this batchfile will wake the server, if
necessary.  The sleep.exe utility referenced in the batch file is a free
utility included in the Windows 2003 server RTK...which is a free
download from Microsoft.

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