I'm sorry, but the release of SBS 7.4 could not have come at a more
inopportune time for me....not that Logitech is under any obligation to
consult little 'ol me about their release schedule.. ;-)

Anyway, I'm off to Canada for a month.  If I have good internet access
where I'm staying, I'll be releasing versions of SrvrPowerCtrl that are
SBS 7.4 compliant over the next couple of weeks.  Look for an
announcement here.

For the next several days though, I'd just start to get yourselves
familiar with SBS 7.4 and it's quirks without installing SrvrPowerCtrl. 
When I have a version that has passed my tests, I'll post it to the repo
and you folks can have at it.

gharris999's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=115
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=48521

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