I'm sorry to hear it's been so rough.

psills;471802 Wrote: 
> When just the Squeezebox and the Appliance module are plugged in
> upstairs (out of range of the tranceiver) they work perfectly.
> When the Squeezebox is moved to another room, the Appliance module no
> longer works.

That's odd. If the Squeezebox is not plugged into the wall at all, can
you control the appliance module with the Extras manual control menu? It
could be that the SB wall wart is "noisy". I have noise filters on four
devices in my house to keep my Insteon gear working well -- all three
UPSes, and the wall wart for an old baby monitor. Perhaps your SB wall
wart is noisy and for some reason its affect on the x10 codes is worse
when it's in the other room. This does sound quite odd; if the SB is
nowhere near the appliance module or transceiver, it seems like it would
be unlikely to hurt anything. And I don't see how having the SB wall
wart near the appliance module could possibly help.

How consistent are your results? 

> When they are both moved to the basement together, they also no longer
> work.

Are your basement outlets on the other side of the breaker box from the
outlet where your transceiver is plugged in? Apparently many X10 users
have trouble getting powerline X10 commands to cross from one side of
the breaker box to the other, and there are "phase coupler" devices you
can plug into a 220v/240v outlet (as for an electric clothes dryer) that
are supposed to help with that.

> What do I need to do in order to get this back working, as it needs to
> reside in the basement. The computer with the Sqeezecenter server is
> currently on the second floor.

I'd hope you could do something like put the transceiver on the main
level on the same side of the breaker box as the basement outlet. Move
it around as needed in order to reliably control the transceiver
appliance module with the Extras menu. Then try controlling an appliance
module in the basement.


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