gharris999;478539 Wrote: 
> The plugin itself logs to server.log...which is quite normal for
> SqueezeCenter/SBS plugins.  If you set SrvrPowerCtrl's logging to
> 'debug' in the SBS Settings->Advanced->Logging section, the server.log
> is where SrvrPowerCtrl starts to become very chatty and confessional.

Yes, I'd done that, and that was where the log items came from.

> I do have the OSX external scripts writing to:
> /Users/username/Library/Logs/Squeezebox/srvrpowerctrl.log
> The data in this log isn't really very interesting, but it is a good
> confirmation that the external scripts are successfully executing.

I don't have such a file. Is it created on installation as an empty
file,or does it only get created when needed?

> Which one runs OK, and which one does not?  Your log entries show both
> '' and '' returning -1.  Normally, I would
> think that a return code of -1 would indicate a permissions problem in
> executing the command...or something like that.  Are you ending the
> scripts with 'exit -1' ?  Could you have the scripts exit 0 on success? 
> Also, did you add a reference to the scripts in /etc/sudoers?  I'm not
> sure this is strictly necessary, but it can't hurt.

Caffeineoff works, and caffeineon doesn't. Both scripts can be executed
by all users. Caffeineon is

#! /bin/bash
open /Applications/D\'s\ utils/caffeine\

caffeine on is an application created by AppleScript Editor (for some
reason I've forgotten, perhaps because I needed to use it in other
contexts, this seemed the easiest thing to do, rather than using
osascript or the like). The script at the heart of the application is

tell application "Caffeine" to turn on

As I said, the thing that puzzles me is that both scripts work when run
directly, so there's nothing wrong with the scripts themselves.  And the
two scripts and related applications are virtually identical (just a
change of "off" to "on".

As you see, I didn't put an exit code as part of the shell script. As
both scripts can be executed by anybody, sudoers ought not to be

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