rtg;491495 Wrote: 
> Stil not sure why i cant play multiple SBs concurrently with sat radio? 
> If i can figure out where/how to get a log file, ill post it, but im
> really bummed/perplexed by this!  I dont get it!
> If i have one playing, and log into another one, the first one scrolls
> a message that says im no longer authorized to access that content....
> am i missing something simple, or am i hosed?
> Thanks!

Are you talking about multiple instances of Squeezecenter or one
instance of the Squeezecenter server and multiple player devices?  Also
make sure you have the official Sirius plugin explicitly disabled.  That
error message is not one of mine, and I've never seen my plugin
encounter that error even when using the same account multiple times


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