sander;505960 Wrote: 
> Ugh, this is a biggie for me. In the uncertain state of Squeezebox at
> this point, breaking Superdatetime has been one of my biggest fears,
> since the rest is really self contained.
> I don't suppose you're up for taking ownership of another plugin are
> you peterw? :/

It's a biggie for me, too. SDT is on my short list of "must-have"
plugins, and it's not fun making do without it.

You probably don't want to see my copy of SDT. :-) I've hacked mine to
include support for a FuzzyTime feature that's not mentioned on my
FuzzyTime web page -- making the text move slowly from side-to-side (to
distribute the pixel usage, in hopes that this, like AutoDim, might help
keep the VFDs in better shape). In my case, every time SDT refreshed the
weather forecast, it would move the time, weather info, and weather
conditions icon a bit to one side or the other. It works great in Large
font mode, but is messed up in Medium and Small. Since I never fixed
Medium and Small, I never bothered submitting changes to Greg Brown
(SDT's author). Anyhow, this means I might be running a relatively old
version of SDT.

I hope that Greg also still uses SDT, and that he'll jump in and fix
the HTML-parsing routine himself soon (though I know he is often very
busy with his day job). Otherwise I may have to take a stab at it, as it
really does bug me to see a plain old clock on my Squeezeboxes. I can't
imagine republishing SDT, though. Uploading a new or zip file
to the forums, probably. Email it to Greg, definitely. 

If anybody here with free time knows Perl, I'd encourage you to take a
look. There's a callback function in (GotWeather, I think)
that parses the response from -- looks like lots of regexp
code, just what you'd expect. It should be pretty easy to rip GotWeather
out to a standalone script for troubleshooting, I just don't know how
soon I'd be able to do that.

Free plugins:  'AllQuiet'
( 'Auto Dim/AutoDisplay'
( 'BlankSaver'
( 'ContextMenu'
( 'DenonSerial'
'FuzzyTime' ( 'KidsPlay'
( 'KitchenTimer'
( 'PlayLog'
( 'SaverSwitcher'
( 'SleepFade'
( 'StatusFirst'
( 'SyncOptions'
( 'VolumeLock'
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