GoCubs;506698 Wrote: 
> From what I've heard they do offer an official API, but it comes with
> restrictions and the data feed isn't updated as often as their website.

They *do* offer an XML feed, as do the other weather type sites
(weather channel, yahoo weather, etc).


for example:


The forecast info appears to be exactly the same text on their web

I honestly can't make heads or tails out of their API restrictions
(they just don't make any sense to me given the data they're supplying
is XML).  And I don't program in Perl, so I have no idea how hard this
would be to parse.

But it's GOT to be easier than screen-scraping, no??  I HAD a free
program that was widely used within a specialized community that did
screen scraping, and it was a constant hassle to keep updated.  The
code's not even any fun to write.  I finally gave up and opted for an
XML-based method.


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