I've just responded to your PM (before seeing this post). 

It looks as though your sudoers file is the same as mine, essentially,
so I can't see what is wrong.

What are the permissions on your sudoers files? Though I suspect they
are ok.

I've never tried a suspend to msysb myself.

I am on Snow Leopard, and I can't recall how to read the users and
groups in SL. I think that in Leopard there is an item NetInfo Manager
in the Utilities folder. Have a look at who user ID 504 is. It's almost
certainly not your newgreg account, unless you have made a number of
changes along the way to your accounts. But if it is newgreg, we'll at
least know to look somewhere else.

danco's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=210
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=48521

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