I spoke too soon. worked yesterday, but today back to same problem. Only
on internet radio with track info (somafm or radioparadise) does the
displayed track and/or cover not change with song change. again, shows
properly on WebUI, transporter display, controller display, and ipeng. 
And within Squeezeplay, if I click on the "+" for more info, I see
correct track. Just NOT on the main squeezeplay nowplaying screen. Odd.

p.s. I seem to be talking to myself here. I'm sure there must be a few
others that use SqueezePlay as a controller on their laptops to control
SBs. Am I the only one with this issue?  More curious than anything as
it is not a serious problem.

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View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=75613

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