I was able to snap open the RS2 case, by pulling the rubber cover off
the base, removing the single screw and carefully prying the case open.
One open, the antenna connections were different from what I had seen
pictured of the RS1.  Armed with a coax antenna feed from my attic
mounted FM antenna, I tuned to a station with poor reception and
touched the coax center wire to the internal antenna and also to the
ground connection of the headphone jack.  To my surprise the better
result was with the headphone jack.  So I snapped the RS2 back
together, stripped insulation off the end of the included "antenna"
tinned the exposed wire and inserted into a Female-Female "F" adapter
with the antenna feed on the other side.  A couple of wraps of
electrical tape and I was set.  

Server is now back in the basement and reception is markedly improved. 
Not as good as my Denon receiver hooked to the same antenna feed, but
certainly good enough.  In summary, the RS2 may easily be used with a
real external or outdoor antenna, and reception is improved


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