A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=79524
Question: Are you interested in IR-over-IP?
- Yes, I'd like to have IRoIP.
- No, I don't care.

A few people have expressed a wish for SqueezeIR to be able to be
controlled over wi-fi.  I'm going to call this technology IR-over-IP
(IRoIP), catchy!  The idea has been implemented some time ago by Greg
(ignore Greg's comment about the ir emitter being an 'intron component'
;)) but it could (I think) be integrated into SqueezeIR .  I still need
to contact Greg to see if he's ok with me pinching his idea.

The idea is that you could leave your controller strategically placed
by your system and send it commands over the web that would tell
SqueezeIR to emmit IR.  That way you could (in principle) control
anything from anywhere using nothing more than a web-browser and a
bunch of Duet Controllers.

My thought is that you would create a web page that contains hyperlinks
(with descriptions) to SqueezeIR events that, when clicked, the
Controller receives and performs a look-up into the xml file and
transmits the <event>. The web-page could be placed in the same folder
as the xml files so that SBS could be used as the web-server.  There
may even be a way to create a suitable page from the SqueezeIR.xml file
programatically (after all, that is what xml was originally designed

eg If I wanted to send the event bound to pressing the volume up button
in the 'Lounge' profile I would embed a hyperlink that looks something
like this:

This extension could, I imagine, also be used by a (3rd party) SBS
plugin to allow SqueezeIR to be controlled from within SBS.  It will
take a bit of time to develop and I want to see if there's any demand
for it before I start work so please express your opinion using the
poll which is open for the next month.

PS: For iPhone geeks there is this http://www.iruleathome.com/ that may
be of interest.

indifference_engine's Profile: 
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=79524

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