
I run SBS 7.5 on OS X Leopard and I have all my CDs under the
/Users/Shared/My Music folder (which is also the folder that SBS points
to as the library folder) and all the iTunes stuff under
/Users/Shared/iTunes. Sometimes I want to browse the music downloaded
from iTunes and the standard Music Folder menu doesn't allow this. In
comes the Multi Library plugin. 

I have created a symbolic link under My Music pointing to the iTunes
folder and used it's full path as the included folder when I create a
new library under Extras->Multi Library but it shows 0 songs in it. As
a test I changed the included folder to be <full path>/My Library/A-L
and it correctly includes all the songs under this folder. Any ideas
why it is not following the symbolic link to iTunes? Any other idea on
how to browse only music under the iTunes folder?


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