Flamingo;564876 Wrote: 
> It works for a while, then later on it will stop with the following
> (Windows 7). Spotifyd.exe is working and I'm connected to Spotify (I
> can see playlists, etc.) but it tries to play each track and it seems
> that the streaming is failing. If I restart Squeezeserver all is OK
> again. Any ideas?
> Update - this may have been caused by me logging in and using the
> Spotify app on another machine whilst the Squeezebox wasn't being used.
> Having said that when I logged out of the Spotify app it didn't start
> working again - only sorted by rebooting Squeezeserver. What would
> happen to this plugin if you logged into Spotify elsewhere or even if
> it were connected to the Spotify via their app at the same time? Can
> you trap someting and write it to the log?

Spotify explicitly prevent you playing music from the same account on
two machines at the same time.  This may be the cause of your problem,
but it usually means that the two applications will fight each other
with the most recent one stealing the playback from the other.  Could
you look in the helper app log (settings page) and see what it says?

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