bpa;566249 Wrote: 
> Can you play AAC streams such as http://www.somafm.com/illstreet32.pls
> on your Boom / Classic ?
> If not  then your SBS is unable to transcode AAC streams which is the
> default format for Listen Again. IN this case either fix the SBS or
> disable AAC in iPlayer plugin.

Changing the stream has fixed the Listen Again streams, and I can't
play the radio station link supplied- I assume that that means my NAS
is not doing transcoding...




SB Classic, Musical Fidlity A1, Mission 733i speakers 
SB Boom, Logitech Z4 subwoofer
SB Radio
SB Server 7.5.0 running on a Synology DS210J NAS
JonWill's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=20259
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