My first guess is that the problem is due to the change in Unix
usernames. 7.3 was SqueezeCenter, but 7.5 is Squeezebox Server. I don't
run the packaged versions of the software (and in fact still run 7.3 in
production, though I have 7.4, 7.5, and 7.6 on my test/dev system), but
did the Unix user account that's used for SBS change from
'squeezecenter' to 'squeezeboxserver' or something? I expect you have a
heyu/heyu_relay process still running with the old SC 7.3 user, and
that's preventing the SBS 7.5 user account from sending commands
properly. Your device permissions are probably fine, or PowerCenter
would have complained about that. 

The fix should be as simple as stopping/killing any running
heyu/heyu_relay processes so that the next time PowerCenter needs to
invoke it, it will start a heyu_relay process running as the new SBS
user account.

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