indifference_engine;541493 Wrote: 
> Hi kvn.inbox,
> If you can find the commands and protocol that your amp uses then I'd
> be more than happy to create a SqueezeIR config file for you.  Getting
> the SBC to send ir commands from the volume buttons is pretty easy, the
> hard bit is finding just which ir codes need to be sent.  I have had a
> quick look through Google but haven't found anything useful.  If you've
> got an SB3 then you could learn the commands from the original remote
> using the irBlaster plugin and post them here.

Hi, indifference_engine.
As I say little erlier, I will try to get remote-codes from my Advance
Acoustic amplifier remote.
And today I get it.
1. I have COM-IrDA
2. WinLIRC
3. It works! :)

Here is lirc-config file for my remote:

  # Please make this file available to others
  # by sending it to <>
  # this config file was automatically generated
  # using lirc-0.8.6(SerialDevice) on Thu Aug 12 09:57:19 2010
  # contributed by 
  # brand:                       Advance Acoustic
  # model no. of remote control: MAP-305II/DAII
  # devices being controlled by this remote: Advcance Acoustic MAP-305DAII
  begin remote
  name  config_AA.cfg
  bits           16
  eps            30
  aeps          100
  header       9000  4487
  one           599  1671
  zero          599   506
  ptrail        589
  repeat       9005  2265
  pre_data_bits   16
  pre_data       0x24D2
  gap          107918
  toggle_bit_mask 0x0
  begin codes
  standby                  0x2AD5
  cd                       0x10EF
  tuner                    0x12ED
  aux                      0x30CF
  phono                    0x32CD
  digital                  0x08F7
  mute                     0x0AF5
  volume_down              0x28D7
  volume_up                0xAA55
  end codes
  end remote

Could you please give me two xml-config files for SBC SqueezeIR(simple,
and not..):
1. Simple: Only "volume+/-" mapped on SBC HARD VOLUME keys. Thats all.
2. Not simple: In menu (Extras?) we have three items: standby, volume+,
volume-. And "volume+", "volume-" mapped on SBC HARD VOLUME keys

If it's hard, most needed 1-st variant.
Thanks you.

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