unclemat;580178 Wrote: 
> Thank you very much for quick response.
> Yep, I'd definitely get a dock. Although the battery drainage side
> effect would still be a bummer for those occasions I'd leave it outside
> the dock :(
well, you could still lock it with a single button press.
> When playback stops, could Ipeng shut off the display (not just make it
> black) and perhaps shut off the wifi in order to conserve battery? I.e.
> not full "sleep" (which I think you are referring to), but close
> enough.
> Or perhaps would there be way to turn the screen lock off only when the
> Ipod is being charged (i.e. placed in the dock)?
No again... Well, I'm not 100% sure, the iPod itself might have an
option for this.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, at penguinlovesmusic.com
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