-tm-;588821 Wrote: 
> I can do some AppleScript'ing, however, unfortunately I have never
> touched Perl so far. It would take months for me to translate the Perl
> script to AppleScript. Is there someone who has translated the Perl
> scripts into AppleScript? This really would be an option as the history
> files from iTunesUpdate or TrackStat/CustomScan get written properly. I
> know James is on a Windows machine, but Erland has access to a Mac.
> Erland, are you running Squeezebox Server on Linux or on Mac? Maybe we
> could try to translate your script to AppleScript together?
I'm running SBS on Linux.

I haven't done any AppleScript development myself, so I'm afraid I
can't help much on that part. However, if you provide a working
AppleScript that reads the history file and imports it into iTunes, I
will be happy to include it with the plugin unless you like to publish
and support it yourself.

It's mostly James who have done the *iTunesUpdate.pl scripts, I've just
done some small adjustments to make it work with the full export
supported by TrackStat to generate a file with all ratings in the SBS


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (http://erland.isaksson.info))
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
(http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.php/User:Erland). If my answer
helped you and you like to encourage future presence on this forum
and/or third party plugin/applet development, 'donations are always
appreciated' (http://erland.isaksson.info/donate))
erland's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3124
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=83249

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