Erland Isaksson is the author of that plugin and regularly contributes
to this forum. He is the final authority of plugin details.

I will try to help you. I struggled with this plugin several times (and
giving up) before finally figuring it out. I'd start off by mentioning
you will usually load other plugins by Erland to work alongside Custom
Browse. I use Custom Browse, MultiMenu, and Custom Scan.

The dialog you show is obtained by creating a new CustomBrowse menu. Go
to the server admin page and click on the Advanced tab. From there you
choose the popup menu that shows advanced settings for various plugins.
Select Custom Browse. The custom browse page has yet *-another-* popup
menu that chooses from sections within custom browse. You want that
popup to say *Manage Menus.*

>From there, find the link that says *Create New Menu.* Then you will
see a bunch of templates for various types of menus. The particular
screenshot you listed resulted from clicking a link for the Filtered
Deep Albums template listed there. I am not 100% sure of the last
comment because I deleted most of my templates.

I hope this gets you started.

Custom Browse has a very (overly) busy interface so I feel your pain.
Also, you may need to occasionally use the refresh/forward/back buttons
on your browser to get back to familiar territory. Those complex
interfaces have a way of hiding the controls you need to navigate back

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