Hey! I just bought myself an sb boom to stream spotify easy. I got big
issues tho, it lags alot when i stream it up... It works perfectly
otherwise, its just big lag issues from time to time, I read something
about to big playlists etc. but I have the same issues playing one

I send an error-log to give you bigger brained guys a chance to help me
sort it out, im more then pleased for every answer that takes me in the
right direction :) Thank you alot!

(win 7 home premium 32bit) 

[01:10:22.827] main:657 streambuf_newstream
[01:10:22.827] main:1169 Now playing: Inga kläder
[01:10:23.331] main:430 new connection
[01:10:23.333] main:471 req: relogin res: (null) par: (null) prot:
HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
[01:10:23.333] main:1127 relogin requested
[01:10:23.333] main:1152 resetting streambuf
[01:10:25.394] logged_out:52 logged out
[01:10:32.717] main:430 new connection
[01:10:32.719] main:471 req: relogin res: (null) par: (null) prot:
HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
[01:10:32.720] log_message:65 log: 23:10:32.720 I [ap:1388] Connecting
to AP A1.spotify.com:4070

[01:10:34.985] log_message:65 log: 23:10:34.985 I [ap:938] Connected to

[01:10:35.748] log_message:65 log: 23:10:35.748 E [session:669] Not all
tracks cached

[01:10:35.750] logged_in:45 logged in
[01:10:35.750] metadata_updated:69 new meta
[01:10:36.750] main:1127 relogin requested
[01:10:36.750] main:1152 resetting streambuf
[01:10:36.750] container_loaded:82 playlist container loaded
[01:10:36.753] main:430 new connection
[01:10:36.753] main:471 req: stream.flc res:
spotify:track:0vFDHoDmIxpISt0Yp9rAhS par:
player=00%3A04%3A20%3A1f%3A9c%3Abf&start=0&sync=1&id=5 prot:
SPOTSTREAM/1.0 auth: (null)
[01:10:36.753] main:484 waiting for logout to complete
[01:10:37.753] main:484 waiting for logout to complete
[01:10:38.753] main:484 waiting for logout to complete
[01:10:39.753] main:484 waiting for logout to complete
[01:10:39.757] logged_out:52 logged out
[01:10:40.757] log_message:65 log: 23:10:40.757 I [ap:1388] Connecting
to AP A3.spotify.com:4070

[01:10:43.178] log_message:65 log: 23:10:43.178 I [ap:938] Connected to

[01:10:44.800] log_message:65 log: 23:10:44.800 E [session:669] Not all
tracks cached

[01:10:44.802] logged_in:45 logged in
[01:10:44.802] metadata_updated:69 new meta
[01:10:45.802] main:586 newstream connection from
[01:10:45.802] main:622 streamid: 0 newid: 5 type: FLAC
[01:10:45.802] main:657 streambuf_newstream
[01:10:45.802] main:1169 Now playing: Inga kläder
[01:10:46.164] container_loaded:82 playlist container loaded
[01:10:49.421] music_delivery:425 channels: 2 sample rate: 44100
streaming as: FLAC
[01:10:58.836] log_message:65 log: 23:10:58.836 E [ap:3396] Connection
error:  114

[01:10:58.836] log_message:65 log: 23:10:58.836 I [ap:1388] Connecting
to AP A2.spotify.com:4070

[01:11:03.887] log_message:65 log: 23:11:03.887 E [ap:1324] AP Socket
Error: Undefined Error 0x4E20 (20000)

[01:11:03.887] log_message:65 log: 23:11:03.887 E [ap:3396] Connection
error:  117

[01:11:03.888] log_message:65 log: 23:11:03.888 I [ap:1388] Connecting
to AP A1.spotify.com:4070

[01:11:06.917] log_message:65 log: 23:11:06.917 I [ap:938] Connected to

[01:11:07.160] connection_error:57 connection error: No error
[01:11:32.682] main:430 new connection
[01:11:32.683] main:471 req: relogin res: (null) par: (null) prot:
HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
[01:11:32.683] main:1127 relogin requested
[01:11:32.683] main:1152 resetting streambuf
[01:11:34.797] logged_out:52 logged out
[01:11:42.023] main:430 new connection
[01:11:42.025] main:471 req: relogin res: (null) par: (null) prot:
HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
[01:11:42.026] log_message:65 log: 23:11:42.026 I [ap:1388] Connecting
to AP A2.spotify.com:4070

[01:11:47.026] log_message:65 log: 23:11:47.026 E [ap:1324] AP Socket
Error: Undefined Error 0x4E20 (20000)

[01:11:47.026] log_message:65 log: 23:11:47.026 E [ap:3396] Connection
error:  117

[01:11:47.026] log_message:65 log: 23:11:47.026 I [ap:1388] Connecting
to AP A1.spotify.com:4070

[01:11:52.026] main:513 could not login within 10 seconds
[01:11:52.026] main:430 new connection
[01:11:52.026] main:471 req: relogin res: (null) par: (null) prot:
HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
[01:11:52.031] log_message:65 log: 23:11:52.031 E [ap:1324] AP Socket
Error: Undefined Error 0x4E20 (20000)

[01:11:52.031] log_message:65 log: 23:11:52.031 E [ap:3396] Connection
error:  117

[01:11:52.031] log_message:65 log: 23:11:52.031 I [ap:1388] Connecting
to AP A3.spotify.com:4070

[01:11:57.081] log_message:65 log: 23:11:57.081 E [ap:1324] AP Socket
Error: Undefined Error 0x4E20 (20000)

[01:11:57.081] log_message:65 log: 23:11:57.081 E [ap:3396] Connection
error:  117

[01:11:57.081] log_message:65 log: 23:11:57.081 I [ap:1388] Connecting
to AP A2.spotify.com:4070

[01:12:01.289] log_message:65 log: 23:12:01.289 I [ap:938] Connected to

[01:12:02.234] log_message:65 log: 23:12:02.234 E [session:669] Not all
tracks cached

[01:12:02.236] logged_in:45 logged in
[01:12:02.236] metadata_updated:69 new meta
[01:12:02.295] main:430 new connection
[01:12:02.295] main:471 req: stream.flc res:
spotify:track:0vFDHoDmIxpISt0Yp9rAhS par:
player=00%3A04%3A20%3A1f%3A9c%3Abf&start=0&sync=1&id=7 prot:
SPOTSTREAM/1.0 auth: (null)
[01:12:02.295] main:586 newstream connection from
[01:12:02.295] main:622 streamid: 0 newid: 7 type: FLAC
[01:12:02.295] main:657 streambuf_newstream
[01:12:02.295] main:1169 Now playing: Inga kläder
[01:12:02.410] music_delivery:425 channels: 2 sample rate: 44100
streaming as: FLAC
[01:12:36.132] music_delivery:504 error writing
[01:12:36.132] main:1152 resetting streambuf

macke016's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=46985
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=87948

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