pjmbour;637906 Wrote: 
> Problem:
> I use 1.4.1.
> When I search artist for: john or lennon or john lennon I get an
> error:
> Internal Error: invalid character encountered while parsing JSON
> string, at character offset 948 ["nMCCARTNEY, PAUL JAM..."] at
> C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application
> Data\Squeezebox\Cache\InstalledPlugins/Plugins/Spotify/ParserBase.pm
> line 25.
> Url:
> Does the plug not like john or lennon or john lennon??

Yes - I'm afraid the plugin does not like John Lennon!  The issue is
the search results for john lennon include an artist string which
appears to have a newline character in the middle of it.  This messes
up the JSON formatting sent between two parts of the plugin.  I will
look to see if I can deal with this in the next release, but for the
moment this looks to be a special case with this particular search.

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