jarome;661714 Wrote: 
> I made no changes that I know of, but now WeatherTime refuses to load.
> [11-10-06 12:50:57.0006] Slim::bootstrap::tryModuleLoad (289) Warning:
> Module [Plugins::WeatherTime::Plugin] failed to load:
> No such file or directory at /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/CPAN/PAR.pm
> line 872.
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 942) line 2.
> Any idea what has happened?
> I reinstalled the plugin from the plugin web page, but still get this
> problem.
> Thanks,
> Jim
Had the same problem yesterday.
The solution for me was:
stop the squeezeboxserver service
    service squeezeboxserver stop
check if it really is no longer running by:
    ps -fe | grep squeezebox | grep -v grep
if this still gives you a proces related to squeezeboxserver: kill it:
    kill -9 processid
processid is the second field in the output of 'ps -fe | grep squeeze'
Now start the squeezeboxserver service
    service squeezeboxserver start
In my case the weathertime plugin was functioning correctly again...


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