pippin;677508 Wrote: 
> Hm, i can't reproduce this.
> I don't get an alphabet bar but instead I get a dot bar that you can
> use to slide through the list. It's not alphabetic so you can't select
> a start character but it works.
> Does the list completely load? These lists can be long, thousands of
> items (at least for me) so it can take a while.
> What is your server running on? OSX?

Server is: HP 1GHz, 1TB disk, 500MB RAM, running www.Vortexbox.org
(including SB-server and a lot of other goodies).

I have no problems with normal use of SB. All menus and long lists load
fine although this list in particular loads in steps and produces some
waiting. But this is fine. The problem would disappear if I could jump
to a desired start-letter of an artist (or other type of list). But I
think Erland is on top of this.

I'm surprised that you cannot see the lists that Erland describe. They
should be std lists in Dynamic Playlist (as I understand it). I think I
have never used these list. 

I don't know what a dot-bar is. Can you explain this?

What I see in long lists, is a vertical band spanning the entire height
of the screen (iPod/iPhone), with letters to touch, that will take you
to artists/albums/Years starting with that letter that you select in
this bar. This is what I call a silk-bar as it is somewhat

In short if I go to My Music/Artists I see this band, and can click it,
and jump to artists starting with the desired letter. But if the band is
part of a deeper user-selection in a Dyn. Playlist, it does not work and
jump as advertised.

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