On 1 January 2012 23:41, tcutting
<tcutting.55oqvz1325461...@no-mx.forums.slimdevices.com> wrote:
> I just moved to Win 7 (and new PC).  I setup shortcut in Startup to
> start Moose via .bat file.  My problem is Moose is creating the .moo
> file, and the thumbnails in the Startup folder, so when I log in, it
> opens the Thumbnails (and tries to run the .moo file).  How can I get
> Moose to store these files someplace else?

In the prefs->library tab, there's a 'cache folder' entry. You can put
a full path to where you want the thumbnail folder to be.
The 'Moo file' entry in the scanning tab can also be a full path if you want.

Hope that helps,

- Dr Lovegrove
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