pippin;698333 Wrote: 
> You've probably purchased it in iPeng for iPhone.
> This means that this App is also where you have to restore it,
> unfortunately the App Store doesn't allow me to share the same
> In-App-Purchase between the Apps.
> So what you need to do is to also install the iPhone App on the iPAd
> and restore the purchase there. After you've done that, it will work in
> iPeng for iPad, too and you can then delete the iPhone App.

Thanks yep that did it and I vaguely remember having to do that awhile
back :).

Next question, I am using this while at work and I am getting massive
dropouts.  So I made sure that the bitrate limit was set for both wifi
and cellular to 128K.  After changing that no difference in the
dropouts, so I check the throughput on my firewall while playing and I
am seeing upload rates close to 1Mbps which is much higher than I would
expect if it was bitrate limiting.  Then I realised I never installed
the mp3 decoder on my server.  Interesting though is that could be a
way to bypass the forced limit on the celluar ;)

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