I just installed "Squeeze Display" and this was one of the most
complicated software installation i ever did:

1) I bought a cheap chinese tablet pc (Odys Loox) and installed "Squeeze
Display" on it

3) I installed a DOS Emulator (based on DosBox) and on this a copy of my
all-time favourite peace of software. It's called El-Fish
(en.wikipedia.org/wiki/El-Fish) from the russion company Animatek.
This is a beautiful old DOS Program which i bought in the early nineties
that displays a simulated aquarium.

4) I rooted the tablet and installed an SSH daemon.

5) I removed the case, ripped of a few unnecessary parts like touch
screen layer, battery etc. and installed display and board in a picture

5) I am not familiar with Android so i searched for  Android commands to
control applications (/system/bin/am) and to control the standby mode
remotely (/system/bin/input keyevent).
Then i wrote a bash script which controls the tablet by sending commands
to the SSH shell on the tablet. It uses the Squeezeserver CLI (via the
netcat command) to switch to "Squeeze Display" whenever a new album is
played and goes back to El-Fish after a time. It also puts the tablet
after some time into sleep mode when no album is played because this
saves a couple of watts power consumption.

Now i am listening to one of my favourite peaces of music, the
"Nocturnes" by Frédéric Chopin, played by the wonderful Elisabeth
Leonskaja. It's awesome - the quiet music, the virtual fish tank and the
app from Erland that displays photographs of the pianist.

Thank's a lot to Erland for this and all the other software you wrote
for the Squeezebox environment.

sternenjaeger's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=57562
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