mherger wrote: 
> Can you listen to the full track in the desktop? The data tells me
> "streamable=sample", which means there's only a 60s mp3 snippet
> available (see
> for the full reply, if you're interested :-)). I deliberatly decided not
> to stream samples, for the sake of code simplicity. Can you confirm the
> desktop let's you play the _full_ track?

Similiar experience here with "Philippe Bianconi - Claude Debussy :
Préludes (Livres I & II)". In the browser there is a following message

> unlimited listening (streaming) for subscribers Qobuz Hi-Fi
> This album is available for unlimited listening (streaming) and True CD
> quality only through subscription Qobuz High Fidelity! Qobuz Subscribe
> to Hi-Fi

I have noticed before that when retrieving track data sometimes the
"streamable" argument is not the same as when you do a sign call with
authorization token (like track/getFileUrl). I would guess that the plan
that one has plus label agreement result in a final decision what is
streamable in full. I have full HiFI plan. I can play all tracks from
the above album in full.

To make things even more interesting, there are albums where some tracks
are streamable and some are not. An example "The Definitive Joe
Henderson". Here is the info box from browser

> Some tracks are not available in unlimited listening (streaming)
> The copyright holder has not authorized full listen some tracks under
> the offers unlimited music . You can listen to 60 second clips in high
> quality nonetheless.

Tracks 2-4 are directed to "samples" url, the rest plays in full.

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