24hrs ago I'd never heard of Squeeze Remote but our purchase of a
Windows Surface RT Tablet (basic model) meant I had to find a way to
access my music.

Source: QNAP419PII (Flac) - extensive (39,000+ tracks) collection
running via ethernet to a Squeezebox Touch.  I can access this library
via PCs, Smartphones, and an iPad ... in addition to the SB Touch and SB
Duet Controller.  So I don't really need more access but that doesn't
stop me ...

So I bought Squeeze Remote and some hours later I finally got access :).
There was nothing in the download which suggested how I should connect
this interface to my QNAP library and the only UI was the menu option
"Settings / Connections" from the RHS of the screen.  A posting above
suggests that you should drag down from above ... this has no effect

After trying numerous times - and failing - to change the settings for
jive.squeezenetwork,com under the Logitech Media Server option to
something that represented my QNAP settings I finally opted to Add and
start afresh and more by luck than judgement finally succeeded.

Now I know I'm somewhat thick when it comes to PCs (I've been using them
for only 25 years so I'm still a Newbie) but unless I missed something
very obvious, how else is someone for whom the music - not the PC
technology - is the prize, to know what you should do.  Just how many
other buyers, having spent their few �/$/Eur given up ... especially
as the amount is (happily) minimal?

I'm sorry to be critical as I support the efforts to bring this App to
the market (since MS obviously feel that nobody wants to install LMS !)
but I do find ... in my ageing years ... this technology baffling!

As for the interface: I'll give it a day or two to get used to it but
the thought of scrolling (swiping from the right) through hundreds of
pages to get to titles beginning with letter S or T, etc. is not
encouraging.  Is there an alphabet jump somewhere that I'm missing?

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