Wirrunna wrote: 
> Erland,
> Just doing a restore from b/u which has stopped playback on my low power
> (1.6 GHz AMD Dual Core E350, LMS 7.8, Win 7) server and want to know if
> I need to do a Delete Unused Stats following a major re-organisation of
> music folders.
It depends.

If you don't have musicbrainz tags in your music tags, the statistics
will be lost if you re-organize music folders. In this case, the
statistics will be tied to the old file paths and still in the database,
to get rid of it completely you need to use "Delete Unused Stats". It
doesn't harm to keep unused statistics in the database, it just use some
storage space and possibly slow down browsing a bit if you have a lot
unused statistics since the database will be larger than necessary.

If you have musicbrainz tags, you don't have to use "Delete Unused
Stats" as the old statistics will be automatically move the the new file
paths when TrackStat does a refresh. This typically happens after a
rescan in LMS or at LMS startup unless you have disabled it in TrackStat
settings page.

There is a report in "Database Query" plugin that's called "TrackStat
Inconsistency/Problems" which will show if you have any unused entries
in the TrackStat database tables. Just be aware that in a large library
it can take some time to execute this report, so don't execute it if you
are about to play some music because LMS is going to hang while the
report is generated.

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (http://erland.isaksson.info))
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets (both free and commercial)'
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party plugin/applet development, 'consider purchasing some plugins'
You may also want to try my Android apps 'Squeeze Display'
and 'RSS Photo Show'
*Interested in the future of music streaming ? 'ickStream -  A world of
music at your fingertips'
erland's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3124
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