Very nice idea. I've been playing with this installed on a Win7 machine
running LMS 7.8.  It installs, I see the options, can click on, say,
Artist Information, and get the list of "biography", etc.  But selecting
anything simply tries to connect to something on web and never connects.
Eventually times out.  The only thing I've made work is clicking
WEBSITES in the listing after ARTIST INFORMATION. This gives me
different website options (amazon, official, etc.) and opens a different
tab with the website I choose. 

What am I doing wrong?

edit: I've tried this with several artists, all well known (i.e., The

*Location 1:* VortexBox Appliance 4TB (2.2) > LMS 7.7.2 > Transporter,
Touch, Boom, Radio w/Battery (all ethernet)
*Location 2:* VBA 3TB (2.2) > LMS 7.7.2 > Touch > Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
*Office:* Win7(64) > LMS 7.8 > SqueezePlay
*Spares:* VBA 4TB, SB3, Touch (3), Radio (3), CONTROLLER
*Controllers:* iPhone4S (iPeng), iPad2 (iPengHD & SqueezePad),
CONTROLLER, or SqueezePlay 7.7 on Win7(64) laptop
Ripping (FLAC) - dbpoweramp, Tagging - mp3tag, Spotify
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