w.irving wrote: 
> Sometimes yes, but I'm wondering now if it's not perhaps unrelated to
> the password thing.
> Spotify log says this:
> > 
  >   > 
  > [10:11:00.383527] main:591 req: browse.json res: 
spotify:track:3suJb4ZzNTHMEWq3WxIC0T par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
  > [10:11:00.432029] main:1050 queuing track browse
  > [10:11:00.461305] process_track:1229 process track
  > [10:11:00.472598] process_track:1253 browse track: ok
  > [10:11:00.486221] main:539 new connection
  > [10:11:00.494672] main:591 req: browse.json res: 
spotify:track:4YPvNI3mVm8zkrtm6Qcp2G par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
  > [10:11:00.505803] main:1050 queuing track browse
  > [10:11:00.516826] process_track:1229 process track
  > [10:11:00.528167] process_track:1253 browse track: ok
  > [10:11:00.541710] main:539 new connection
  > [10:11:00.550231] main:591 req: browse.json res: 
spotify:track:2k9pKimtUyMDXVmf0U7wzt par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
  > [10:11:00.561392] main:1050 queuing track browse
  > [10:11:00.572390] process_track:1229 process track
  > [10:11:00.583723] process_track:1253 browse track: ok
  > [10:11:00.597303] main:539 new connection
  > [10:11:00.605781] main:591 req: browse.json res: 
spotify:track:7HKp1p174XjYs16cy5i2ac par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
  > [10:11:00.616915] main:1050 queuing track browse
  > [10:11:00.627932] process_track:1229 process track
  > [10:11:00.639261] process_track:1253 browse track: ok
  > [10:11:03.469560] log_message:80 log: 08:11:03.469 I 
[file_streamer_simple.cpp:789] Request for file 
636279fe2e85d664ca7f6284836dd79c2e72d7be complete (code: 0)
  > [10:11:21.678891] log_message:80 log: 08:11:21.678 I 
[file_streamer_simple.cpp:789] Request for file 
636279fe2e85d664ca7f6284836dd79c2e72d7be complete (code: 0)
  > [10:11:48.671078] log_message:80 log: 08:11:48.671 I 
[file_streamer_simple.cpp:789] Request for file 
636279fe2e85d664ca7f6284836dd79c2e72d7be complete (code: 0)
  > [10:12:14.481778] log_message:80 log: 08:12:14.481 I 
[file_streamer_simple.cpp:789] Request for file 
636279fe2e85d664ca7f6284836dd79c2e72d7be complete (code: 0)
  > [10:12:39.466599] log_message:80 log: 08:12:39.466 I 
[file_streamer_simple.cpp:789] Request for file 
636279fe2e85d664ca7f6284836dd79c2e72d7be complete (code: 0)
> > 
> While the LMS log says this:
> > 
  >   > [13-09-01 04:00:05.1710] Slim::Networking::UDP::init (39) FATAL: There 
is already another copy of the Logitech Media Server running on this machine. 
(Address already in use)
  > [13-09-01 04:00:05.1816] Log::Log4perl::Logger::and_die (868) Warning: 
FATAL: There is already another copy of the Logitech Media Server running on 
this machine. (Address already in use) at 
/usr/share/squeezeboxserver/lib/Log/Log4perl/Logger.pm line 900
  > 2013-09-01 04:00:06 Logitech Media Server died. Restarting.
  > [13-09-01 10:09:49.5393] Plugins::Spotify::ParserBase::__ANON__ (138) error
 Timed out waiting for data
  > [13-09-01 10:10:28.2413] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ (147) 
Error: Select task failed calling Slim::Web::HTTP::processHTTP: Can't call 
method "coverArt" on an undefined value at 
/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Web/Graphics.pm line 179.
  > ; fh=Slim::Web::HTTP::ClientConn=GLOB(0xd4d0968)
  > [13-09-01 10:10:28.2618] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ (147) 
Error: Select task failed calling Slim::Web::HTTP::processHTTP: Can't call 
method "coverArt" on an undefined value at 
/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Web/Graphics.pm line 179.
  > ; fh=Slim::Web::HTTP::ClientConn=GLOB(0xec76158)
  > /..../
  > [13-09-01 10:14:20.2544] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ (147) 
Error: Select task failed calling Slim::Web::HTTP::processHTTP: Can't call 
method "coverArt" on an undefined value at 
/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Web/Graphics.pm line 179.
  > ; fh=Slim::Web::HTTP::ClientConn=GLOB(0xd4f2130)
  > [13-09-01 10:14:46.4953] Plugins::Spotify::Spotifyd::relogin (214) 
requesting relogin
  > [13-09-01 10:15:30.3159] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ (147) 
Error: Select task failed calling Slim::Web::HTTP::processHTTP: Can't call 
method "coverArt" on an undefined value at 
/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Web/Graphics.pm line 179.
  > ; fh=Slim::Web::HTTP::ClientConn=GLOB(0xecd2760)
  > [13-09-01 10:15:30.3586] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ (147) 
Error: Select task failed calling Slim::Web::HTTP::processHTTP: Can't call 
method "coverArt" on an undefined value at 
/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Web/Graphics.pm line 179.
  > ; fh=Slim::Web::HTTP::ClientConn=GLOB(0xf9c7860)
  > [13-09-01 10:15:30.3878] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ (147) 
Error: Select task failed calling Slim::Web::HTTP::processHTTP: Can't call 
method "coverArt" on an undefined value at 
/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Web/Graphics.pm line 179.
  > ; fh=Slim::Web::HTTP::ClientConn=GLOB(0xf9a4be8)
  > /..../
  > [13-09-01 10:18:05.0354] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ (147) 
Error: Select task failed calling Slim::Web::HTTP::processHTTP: Can't call 
method "coverArt" on an undefined value at 
/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Web/Graphics.pm line 179.
  > ; fh=Slim::Web::HTTP::ClientConn=GLOB(0xfa0dc70)
  > [13-09-01 10:31:21.2275] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ (147) 
Error: Select task failed calling Slim::Web::HTTP::processHTTP: Can't call 
method "coverArt" on an undefined value at 
/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Web/Graphics.pm line 179.
  > ; fh=Slim::Web::HTTP::ClientConn=GLOB(0xcb2c468)
  > 2013-09-01 10:32:15 squeezeboxserver_safe stopped.
  > 2013-09-01 10:34:43 squeezeboxserver_safe started.
  > [13-09-01 10:34:46.9912] main::init (354) Starting Logitech Media Server 
(v7.7.1, r33735, Mon Nov 28 15:45:08 PST 2011) perl 5.010001
> > 
> And running the spotify test fails with the message that the helper
> app isn't running. Impossible to browse for tracks, playback appears
> to work (progress bar moves and so on), but I'm an hour away from the
> thing so can't verify.
> Crontab does a service restart of LMS at 04:00, as evidenced by log.
> Maybe that's part of the problem. I've changed it to a stop/restart
> operation with a few minutes inbetween, maybe that'll sort it out.
> Will let you know.

These errors are unrelated - other than the timed out waiting for data. 
Suggest you ensure everything is restarted and you have no other errors
in the log before trying to diagnose the spotify one.

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