On the PC it takes only a few seconds to display all albums from an
artist, compared to the 30 seconds on the RPI.

That's bad news, as it means that the RPI isn't up to the task of parsing large XML data in a timely manner. Qobuz' responses come with a lot of metadata we don't actually need. While this comes in handy if you need it, it results in large XML structures which are heavy to deal with. I'll see whether there's anything I can do about this.

However, on the same RPI, there is no slowness with the Deezer plugin.
Only the Qobuz plugin is very slow.

For Deezer mysb.com is doing the heavy lifting. LMS only receives the ready made menu data. But as Qobuz is 3rd party, there's no central server doing this work for the RPi.


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