Hi Jason,

thank you very much for sorting this out. 

Your renaming got the plugin working; this proofs that case matters (not
surprising really). The whole time I ask myself, how it could be that
setting of preferences (which involves reading and writing) works
whereas usage in the actual plugin code (which involves only reading)
does not; I thought that this may be a permission thing, that the
settings UI has more rights.

Now, based on your finding, it followed that a) the pref name must be
specified in the code, and b) that the specs are different in settings
part and in the plugin part.

I wasn't aware, that the name of the pref file is set in the code - it
is not too obvious for a beginner what the respective line really does -
I assumed the name is chosen automatically through LMS infrastructure.
The pref-access is abstract - from the code one can not tell, that the
prefs are stored file based.

Anyway, from what we know now, it is clear that your renaming made the
plugin run - but it must have broken preference setting functionality. 

So I checked in the code and found the lines which specify the settings
name and changed them to be consistently "SBNetIO".

I put the modified plugin (Ver. 0.2.4) on the download site (0.2 folder)
- please update. Now both, running and preference setting, should work
as expected.

Again, thanks for sorting this out!!

Good to hear the plugin works for you.


Primary System: LMS on Win 7 PC, 4 SBT, 1 Duet, 1 piCorePlayer &
HifiMeDIY Sabre II DAC, 2 Duet Controller, 2 iPods, 1 iPhone (iPeng),
Sony XPeria Mini & ION,  Android Tablet (SqueezeControl, OrangeSqueeze,
SqueezeCommander) -- Secondary System: Mobile Server based on
SqueezePlug on RaspBerry PI

Visit 'SBNetIO' (http://code.google.com/p/sbnetio) - yet another remote
control plugin.
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