mherger wrote: 
> > In the plug ins page of the LMS setup, there is no option to change
> the
> > 3rd party plugins nor to add repositories.
> Well, I guess that's not a Qobuz problem then. Did you disable the 
> Extension Loader plugin? What other default plugins did you disable?
> > Any ideas, what I might be doing wrong ?
> Posting to the wrong thread ;-).
> -- 
> Michael

Thanks Michael.

You were right, the reason that the option for the third party plugin
did not show up was the deactivated extension loader. 
I was not aware that you need a special plugin active in order to show
plugins, so that was not something I considered to be necessary. 

However, although this definitely does not belong to this forum, I can
tell you why I deactivated this plugin (apart from quite an few others I
did not regard to be necessary). 

Since the switch from Squeezebox server to LMS I regularly had
situations, where Logitech media server stopped working. 
When I restarted the LMS server, it would regularly take hours to become
accessible again. 
As I read that some of this instability could come from the DNLA support
included in LMS, (obviously very performance intensive), I deactivated
that plug in and quite a few others at the same time (like the extension
With that change, LMS did start in a acceptable time and was much more
stable than before. 

Now, when I activated the extension loader plug in (nothing else at
first), It again took hours after the restart of the LMS server until it
became active again. 
(I restarted it yesterday evening at about 8 p.m. and tried until 11 p.m
without success to access LMS. 
However, this morning, it was acessible again. 
So now this morning, for the first time I was able to activate the Qobuz
plug in (which again forced a server restart). 
I'll see this evening, if this is working. 

But if the only way to use Qobuz on my home server is to set up the LMS
server in a way that each restart takes half a day, I'd rather not have


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