mherger wrote: 
> What exactly did that function do? How did you use it?
It's provided by Database Query plugin, code to create it runs at server
startup (initPlugin)

  $dbh->func('path', 1, sub {
  my ($str1) = @_;
  return Slim::Utils::Misc::pathFromFileURL($str1);
  }, 'create_function');

The intention was to be able to display the file path instead of the
somewhat cryptical file URL in reports in Database Query plugin.

Philip, I think I might have to run this also after a full rescan, could
the issue be that you have done a full rescan and not restarted the
server afterwards ? Does it work if you restart LMS ? If so, I'll add
subscription to "rescan done" in Database Query plugin so the function
creation also is executed after a rescan.

Michael, a sample of usage of the path function can be seen in this

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