fcm4711 wrote: 
> Hi Antonio
> What happens when you use the provided slim.conf file (or the one you've
> learned yourself) on your SB Touch? Does that allow the SB Touch to
> control your SB3? If not then maybe there is a problem with the IR
> emitter (too weak, or too strong). If that works then yes, most likely
> something's wrong with the codes or the timing.
> And no, the short 0x2024 and long 0x0000000000002024 variants are the
> same. It's a bit like writing 4711 or 000004711. 
> Felix

Hi Felix, so I did a few more tests.
Let me summarize this :
1. the conf file I recorded for my Denon remote : never works, neither
the touch nor the SB3
2. slim.conf + sb3 as emitter : ok for sb3 and touch as receivers
3. slim.conf + touch as emitter : ok for sb3, ko for touch as receivers
I also tried with the file I recorded with slim remote, same as 2 and 3,
so my IR receiver for recording should be ok.
I always did my tests using the irblaster parameter screen and clicking
on "test" button", several times just to make sure.
My sb3 and touch are next to each other

It's a bit odd : the touch doesn't work as the receiver when it's the
emitter (test 3), but SB3 does. So maybe it "doesn't like" my emitter.
But it works when the sb3 is the receiver.
As the file I recorder for my remote, I would say either the file is
wrong or irblaster plugin can't handle it.

I could buy another emitter, but I'm not sure it could work with my
file. I could also buy an universal remote, but then I lose the ability
to control my amp from the LMS or from squeezeplay.
What do you think ?

Thanks a lot for your help

1 SB3, 1 radio, 1 touch
Plugins : IR Blaster, Smartmix, MusicIP
Antoniop's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39292
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=101774

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