I've been using IR Blaster successfully from my Squeezebox Classic to
poweron my receiver, set it to the correct input and play music.   This
is particularly useful when I use the iPeng or Squeezepad apps.

I'm now looking to connect some speakers to the Zone 2 of my receiver
and looking to see if there is anyway to have different "On" commands to
the Squeezebox.

Currently my Power On settings under IR Blaster PowerOn Zone 1 of my
stereo and set input for Zone 1 to the Squeezebox.  I want to see if
there's some way to add a different "Power On" for Zone 2 so I can
selectively use that one without impacting Zone 1.

I think I'm asking a bit much because there's only 1 PowerOn command,
but I'm interested if anyone else has played with IR Blaster for
multi-zoned receivers and being able to selectively choose which zone to


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