utgg wrote: 
> From Wikipedia: "According to the MPEG-2 licensing agreement *any use of
> MPEG-2 technology is subject to royalties*. MPEG-2 encoders are subject
> to a royalty of $2.00 per unit, decoders are subject to a royalty of
> $2.00 per unit, and royalty-based sales of encoders and decoders are
> subject to different rules and $2.50 per unit.".
> I don't really know if that is really the case, and I agree that it
> would be outrageous. But if it is the case, does it cause issues for
> anyone providing a plugin?

How would "per unit" apply to software? Especially software that is
free? This seems like a hardware sales licence to me.

Apparently ffmpeg negotiated a licence for AAC patents based on an
amount per sale, which works great for ffmpeg given there aren't any

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