bpa wrote: 
> Klammer (armada370 based Synology) is the only Synology with the problem
> persisting. ffmpeg doesn't work when run from a shell prompt under
> userid admin but works nder user id root. This is not the case for other
> Synology NASs.  Also on armda370 Synology,  ffmpeg (owned by user root)
> when permissions set to "+s" will run from a shell prompt when run under
> user admin but not when run as part of LMS.
> Problem is I can't test all the questions you are asking as I don't have
> a NAS and Klammer doesn't have the skill to answer the questions you are
> asking.   So all we can do is try to provoke the error message on a
> system where ffmpeg works and then see can it be undone on Klammer's
> system. As an alternative,  I have gone through the ffmpeg code to see
> where the error is produced - unfortunately it is in a lot (but finite)
> of places.
> That said, I think long term it would be better to see if HLS/MPEGTS can
> be written in Perl and be part of a plugin. It would be a lighter
> solution and would work for all LMS users and I think might be done in
> less time that chasing a bug (however annoying)  on one class of NAS.

Is it muddying the water to try my own written from scratch program
here? It's a drop-in replacement for ffmpeg so long as the options are
"-loglevel quiet  -i $FILE$ -acodec copy -f adts -", i.e. it will only
output adts aac. So it's only good for players that can can handle aac,
otherwise |faad|flac or similar is needed to transcode. I've got a small
statically linked armv5 binary which should avoid any issues with shared
libraries, if that might be the problem. I could be persuaded to post it
here if you think it is worth a try.

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