utgg wrote: 
> Is it muddying the water to try my own written from scratch program
> here? It's a drop-in replacement for ffmpeg so long as the options are
> "-loglevel quiet  -i $FILE$ -acodec copy -f adts -", i.e. it will only
> output adts aac. So it's only good for players that can can handle aac,
> otherwise |faad|flac or similar is needed to transcode. I've got a small
> statically linked armv5 binary which should avoid any issues with shared
> libraries, if that might be the problem. I could be persuaded to post it
> here if you think it is worth a try.

Your solution will help users by being "lighter" than ffmpeg. 
Outputting adts AAC is OK as faad is supplied with LMS (even for armv5
it is fixed point faad better than ffmpeg I think).   

Will you provide and support a binary for all platforms (various
ReadyNAS, Synology, QNAP etc., Linux, Windows, OSX ) or rely on 3rd
parties to build and host. Be clear from the start what you will and
will not do - otherwise you could be overwhelmed. 

For a version of AlienBBC (BBCiPlayer predecessor), part of the
installation would download an appropriate copy of mplayer which
simplified installation.  

If binaries (and source) of your ffmpre replacement are included as part
of the plugin for main architectures  - that would simplify installation
for many users and I think would be what user would appreciate rather
than being "Lighter".

A dilemma I have at the moment is that I am reluctant to produce a V1.2
of the plugin because it would trigger an install which would overwrite
all customisations users have made to the plugin files and so break
their BBC radio. Including a ffmpeg replacement binary in the plugin
would minimise this issue.

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