bpa wrote: 
> I'm not sure of the exact solution but the way to start would be to
> create a plugin (need to learn a little Perl and LMS internals) which
> handles a new URL type e.g. "viator://" and  the rest of the URL would
> be processed by the plugin which eventually spits out a normal LMS
> playable URL such as CDDA://1 or wavin: depending on what available.
> For esxample, the BBCiPlayer plugin has an iplayer:// URL which include
> the 3 URLS to be tested by the plugin to see which one works for the
> user and then the best working one is used by LMS.

As far as I understand it, I would have to select viator:// every time a
change occours.
Or is the plugin running in the background to monitor any changes?
Anyway, I still have to find out how to recognize that there is a

I thought about some shell scripts to detect changes/connections and
then simply use the http interface of LMS to change whats played. I find
the http interface easier to use (for me, since I use it with tasker)
rather than learning Perl.

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