utgg wrote: 
> The following format of mediaselector/5 is a starting point:
> "http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/vpid/b052grbv/format/json/mediaset/android-phone-rtmp-high/proto/http";.
> Mediaset can also be 'apple-ipad-hls', and I guess there are others
> about - I've only found ones that yield lower bit rates for mobile use. 
> You need to find the 'vpid' of the program. 'bbc_radio_three" etc also
> works. The xml files used by Tridoe's app can be used to find the vpid,
> but will probably disappear eventually. I haven't yet looked for an
> alternative, but
> http://polling.bbc.co.uk/appconfig/iplayerradio/android/1.6.5/endpoints.json
> or
> http://polling.bbc.co.uk/appconfig/iplayerradio/android/1.6.5/endpoints.xml
> might be a nice starting point to find all the urls, although the
> version numbering implies it isn't very permanent!
> The m3u8 'master playlist' url that you'll find in that bit of json/xml
> won't play in ffmpeg though. There is some 'bbc special' mucking about
> with cookies required - that's why I've written my own program to
> replace ffmpeg to handle this. The master playlist usually gives a
> couple of bit-rate options for the listen again streams, including the
> highest rate 320kbps stream if it is available. For some reason only the
> .../uk/high/... 128kbps urls we know about are provided for
> 'bbc_radio_three' vpid, however, not the .../uk/sbr_high/... ones.

bpa wrote: 
> Interesting that is an "apple" selections.  Last time I looked iPlayer
> on PC browser (couldn't check Safari)  only offers Flash at the moment -
> this might be because most browser don't support HLS. An exception is
> Chrome on Android which probably was done to keep "pace" with
> iOS/Safari.

I'm not sure what you are saying here. I've only looked at what the
Android BBC iPlayer app uses to find these HLS urls. Other much earlier
posts in the BBiPlayer Plugin mentioned the apple-ipad-hls mediaset, and
I assumed that was captured from the same BBC app on iOS devices. I
didn't think that browsers were using HLS - but I suppose it makes sense
that iPlayer on Safari is. Has anyone looked for any evidence of HDS
being used in the wild? - that might actually be nicer to use than

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