utgg wrote: 
> The following format of mediaselector/5 is a starting point:
> "http://open.live.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/5/select/version/2.0/vpid/b052grbv/format/json/mediaset/android-phone-rtmp-high/proto/http";.
> Mediaset can also be 'apple-ipad-hls', and I guess there are others
> about - I've only found ones that yield lower bit rates for mobile use. 
> You need to find the 'vpid' of the program. 'bbc_radio_three" etc also
> works. The xml files used by Tridoe's app can be used to find the vpid,
> but will probably disappear eventually. I haven't yet looked for an
> alternative, but
> http://polling.bbc.co.uk/appconfig/iplayerradio/android/1.6.5/endpoints.json
> or
> http://polling.bbc.co.uk/appconfig/iplayerradio/android/1.6.5/endpoints.xml
> might be a nice starting point to find all the urls, although the
> version numbering implies it isn't very permanent!
> The m3u8 'master playlist' url that you'll find in that bit of json/xml
> won't play in ffmpeg though. There is some 'bbc special' mucking about
> with cookies required - that's why I've written my own program to
> replace ffmpeg to handle this. The master playlist usually gives a
> couple of bit-rate options for the listen again streams, including the
> highest rate 320kbps stream if it is available. For some reason only the
> .../uk/high/... 128kbps urls we know about are provided for
> 'bbc_radio_three' vpid, however, not the .../uk/sbr_high/... ones.

Actually, looking back at posts from a couple of weeks back, I also see
returns urls for 2 HLS stream master playlists and a straight single
un-obfuscated http mp4 download url. The android media set returns a
different url starting with rtmpt:// for the same thing...

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