MikeOB wrote: 
> Hi,
> I run Squeezebox server 7.7.3 on a Synology DS214Play. Could someone
> tell me how I might implement the fixes for inlayer and iPlayer extra on
> the Synology box please.
> I don't know where, or how, to look at the folder to drop the new files
> into. Any help greatly appreciated, even if it is to point me at the how
> to a how to find it guide:).

Hi Mike,

Download the .pm files to a share on your synology somewhere - eg.

Then turn on SSH on your Synology.  Go to the DSM webpage and open
Control Panel > Terminal & SNMP and tick "Enable SSH service"

Then SSH to your synology using an SSH client such as Putty (if you
don't have it Google it, I can't post links to this forum yet) - log in
as username admin and whatever password your admin account on the
synology has.

You're then on a Unix type interface on your Synology - you need to find
the folder with you Squeezebox server plugins.  On mine it is...

so use command...
Synology> cd

then copy your downloaded .pm files to this folder...
Synology> cp /volume1/downloads/RTMP-BBCXMLParser.pm .

then rename your current BBCXMLParser.pm file...
Synology> mv BBCXMLParser.pm ORIGINAL-BBCXMLParser.pm

and rename the new one...
Synology> mv RTMP-BBCXMLParser.pm BBCXMLParser.pm

then delete the cache file...
Synology> cd /volume1/@appstore/SqueezeCenter/Cache/
Synology> rm cache.db

Then on the DSM web interface, restart the Squeezebox Server

Hopefully you should now have Listen Again working again (at least
whilst the RTMP service is still going).

Hope this helps,

MartynA's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=64214
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