@bruinboy: yes, shairtunes can be installed using the description on
this page: https://github.com/StuartUSA/shairport_plugin (just tested
it), but there are some problems with this:
- the plugin-page and the plugin itsself can currently not be loaded by
the plugin-installer of squeezeboxserver (maybe because github gets
DOS-Attacks and blocks non-browser traffic?)
- the installation is a little bit more complicated (copying some
binaries, installing some packages with apt-get)

As the shairtunes plugin seems to be an easy solution for DAC-users
(like HiFi-Berry) to use squeezeplayer and airplay simultanously, I will
add a 1-click-installer for that plugin in the next release and put it
on the "squeezebox server" tab of the webinterface.

@palmerx: thanks for your positiv feedback! If the radiostations are
missing, it seems that your squeezeboxserver has no internetconnection
on startup. Do you use WiFi or Ethernet-Cable?

2 x Max2Play on ODROID U2/U3 with LMS, Squeezelite, Shairport, XBMC
1 x Squeezebox Receiver
1 x Denon 1713 AVR + Nubert 5.1 System

Max2Play Webinterface and SD-Image: http://www.max2play.com/
Max2Play Shop: http://shop.max2play.com/
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