First let me say I have never used the command line and I have ZERO
linux experience.  I am able to download the image and expand it on a
micro sd card for my Raspberry Pi 2.  When I boot it up it goes through
the process and stops at a line showing "max2play login:".  It never
launches a GUI of any kind and I am unable to see it from a browser at
http://max2play/.  I realize there is probably a dead simple step that
is next but I have no idea what it is.  I know that I can login as root
with a password max2play but then I still don't know how to get to the
GUI.  Would someone please hold my hand and tell me what to do next? 
Talk to me like I am 5 years old, I won't be offended as I just want
this to work as this is the whole reason I bought the pi to begin with. 
Thanks in advance.

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