dapperdan wrote: 
> Hi
> I'd like to try the LMS repack package, but is there a way to backup and
> restore the LMS settings (paths, favourites etc., ideally also database
> (though the music files could be easily re-scanned if the paths are
> available) and addons (not sure whether I even any in use atm). I am
> currently using the latest Synology package (LMS 7.7.3 if I am not
> mistaken). 
> Thanks & groetjes!
> dapperdan

You have to remove your current installation of the Synology package.
This also will remove all your settings, prefs and database. The only
way to backup and restore is by command line AFAIK. But it is
recommended to do a fresh install. Some plugins might not be compatible
with 7.9.0. And 7.9.0 has several new features, so browsing through the
interface is a good way to see whats new ;-)

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