jbval wrote: 
> Hello,
> I just migrate my LMS to 7.9 repack thanks to your work (on a dsm 209) !
> All seems to work except one thing : 
> the scan, whatever the options I choose, it only scan the files at the
> root of the folder and don't go inside the subfolders.
> I check permissions, I removed the playlist files... Nothing happened.
> If i'm going threw Music Folder inside lms, i see all my folder and can
> play any song. If I go to artist, there is only one.
> What did I miss?
> Regards,
Did you do a full rescan afterwards? If so please provide a scanner log,
DSM version and  lms repack version. 

Currently in Denmark, so I'm not able to fix the package if needed. I
will take a look at it when I get back. 

Just stop LMS Repack and install the official package from Synology for


-Logitech Media Server 7.9.0 ('LMS-Repack'
-Raspberry B+ (piCorePlayer), HifiBerry - Cambridge Azur 840A -PMC GB1i
-2x Radio
-Laptop - openSUSE - Squeezelite
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