bpa wrote: 
> The log from th Fork looks like cdda2wav considers the command to be
> invalid in some way.  Can you check whether this exact command line
> works on your system
> > 
  >   > 
  > /usr/bin/cdda2wav device=/dev/cdrom -verbose-level=toc -N -g -J 
> > 

Hi bpa,

I made the test and that worked well. I sudoed with user
squeezeboxserver who should be the one launching the command :

    [hifi@fedo ~]$ sudo -u squeezeboxserver /usr/bin/cdda2wav device=/dev/cdrom 
-verbose-level=toc -N -g -J
  Type: ROM, Vendor 'TSSTcorp' Model 'CDDVDW SN-208BB ' Revision 'SB02' MMC+CDDA
  569344 bytes buffer memory requested, transfer size 131072 bytes, 4 buffers, 
55 sectors
  cdda2wav: Read TOC CD Text failed (probably not supported).
  #Cdda2wav version 3.01a31_linux_4.1.3-200.fc22.x86_64_x86_64_x86_64, real 
time sched., soundcard, libparanoia support
  Tracks:3 35:52.00
  CDINDEX discid: E9mJR9BMLNpyAmmGDnhiZpbOXmg-
  CDDB discid: 0x20086803
  CD-Text: not detected
  CD-Extra: not detected
  Album title: '' from ''
  T01:       0 15:40.00 audio linear copydenied stereo title '' from ''
  T02:   70500 11:06.00 audio linear copydenied stereo title '' from ''
  T03:  120450  9:06.00 audio linear copydenied stereo title '' from ''
  Leadout:  161400


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